Monday, February 2, 2009

All Aboard!

So, today we are focused on getting our act together...

This next weekend, we should be having our first "Board of Directors" meeting! We have successfully created a logo, gotten together a few volunteers, kicked off our Facebook group, and began to work on a couple of ways to get a little cash coming in! See logo left.

We have made some executive decisions and have a lot left to make. Our members still seem excited, and we can't wait to kick off the actual DOING part. Please be patient. When you guys found out we were looking for volunteers was when we started organizing. (Well, the day before actually!) We are almost ready for our first members meeting. This is when we will discuss how we want to run our organization. We will also discuss the kick off of our organization, our debut into the community as a grassroots organization, possible fundraising, volunteer recruitment, and etc.
Each and every one of us will have a say in what happens inside our group. We will compromise and work together to bring about a positive change.

Thanks again to Henny Donovan Motif in London for making our logo possible. She is excellent! Check out her wall art... It is actually really awesome.

Does anyone have an idea of how we should go about serving the plates? Should we bring them and set up the food and plates on the table "cafeteria style"? Should we pre-plate meals and bring them complete with silverware (err.. Plasticware) and just pass out? Should we each cook up a dish and bring it to a common place and plate it up? Should we cook in the kitchen offered to us? We still do not have a definite place to feed. I am trying to contact the people at the wall to see if we will be able to do it there. Homeless people are all out and about around dinner time, so I think this is the best meal for us to provide. (I'm only saying this because while I was homeless that's when everyone would eat... Some people ate lunch, but mostly everyone ate dinner!)

Does anyone have any inexpensive meal ideas? We will definitely need to ensure the meal includes certain things (i.e. a meat, veggies, fruit, carb, drink, dessert) Or whatever format we decide to follow.

The drink thing... Kevin (one of our volunteers) did some research and found that bottled water containers are in fact reusable. We could just label them as such, wash them with a baby bottle brush, dry them in the dishwasher on the top rack.

Does anyone have any ideas how we can recruit some new volunteers? Anyone you know who may be interested is welcome to check us out!

Subscribe to the blog and keep yourself up to date with all of the changes happening so fast here at NOLACares! Thank you for your time, and I look forward to working with each and every one of you.

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